Friday, October 20, 2006


Well first off let me go ahead and say that a lot of the blogs I visit have a theme for Fridays. Last Friday I spoke on meat. I have decided that Friday's blog will now be devoted to one of my favorite subjects...FOOD!!!

Okay so now to the post at hand. The first time I had goat cheese was at a restaurant in Memphis called Bosco's. My aunt got some as an appetizer. She let me try some, and I was hooked. It was a creamy goodness that is probably illegal in some places in the world, but I was able to delight in the bounty of the goat.
Okay STOP IT! I can already see your nose starting to turn up now. "Eww! That's Gross!" Don't knock it 'til you tried it baby! I know that by looking at a goat one would question whether anything good could ever come from such an animal. But in reality they are extremely useful. Many cultures eat the meat, though America has not picked up on that one yet. In fact it is one of the few domestic meats I have yet to try. There has just been little opportunity. Edward Abbey writes about roasting a goat in his backyard once with his Cuban neighbors. The way he described it I woud have been begging for more.
Okay back to the cheese. It really is THAT good! It is a soft cheese that is mild in flavor but can be strong at times. My recent taste came from the Bardstown Rd. Farmers Market here in Louisville. There is a goat cheese guy there. He has this little table and will tell you all about the cheeses he has. The best part, though, is that the whole time he is talking to you he is serving up samples on crackers. I was in heaven.
The best variety was this one called O'Banon. It is goat cheese that has been wrapped in chesnut leaves that have been soaked in Bourbon. He told me that the Chesnut wrapper is a French thing, but they usually use a type of white wine I believe. Since this is KY, he decided to use bourbon. Boy am I glad he did! It really was a festival of flavor in my mouth! I bought some, though Missy thought it crazy to spend that much on cheese. Of course she does not like goat cheese, because my wife's tongue is broken.
One day I WILL have a farm and on that farm I 'll have some goats with a cheese cheese here and a cheese cheese there! Here a cheese! There a cheese! Everywhere a cheese cheese!


Anonymous said...

I would definitely like to meet your dealer.That would make my Christmas run to Wisconsin like going to Colombia. I have a mental Image of Kyle going out like Tony Montana, an AR-15, cracker crumbs on his nose....all hopped up on goat cheese when the cows come to take over his hacienda..... "Say Hello to My Little Friend."

Anonymous said...

I wonder where I can get some of those "chesnut" leaves. Any ideas?